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Babelfish Walking Tours

Discover Würzburg with our Do-It-Yourself City Tours! Choose a theme tour or combine the maps as you like it. All tours are available as PDF to download or directly to take away at the reception. In addition, our Google Maps help you navigate. Happy exploring!


Our straightforward “Big Five” tour takes you to Würzburg’s most renowned sights. Starting at the Residence Palace, take a walk through the city’s old town and visit St. Kilian Cathedral, the Old Bridge with a view of Fortress Marienberg, and the Market Square with church Marienkapelle.

[Residenz & Hofgarten, Dom St. Kilian, Alte Mainbrücke, Festung Marienberg, Marktplatz & Marienkapelle]

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This tour is just the thing for you, if you much rather enjoy drifting along than following a tight sightseeing program and carrying shopping bags instead of a heavy Lonely Planet. Explore the old town, Würzburg’s historic center, during an unhurried stroll through town! Our shopping tour leads you to local shops and cafés each having their own charm.

[Zeitzeichen, Mainglück, Café Fred, Stilding, DREIST, Wunschlos Glücklich & Glück Geht Fremd, Another Love, Marktplatz, Body & Nature, Café & Bar D.O.C., Die Pampelmuse, Soirée, Café Neubau]

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Sightseeing with Kids? No Problem! Our family-friendly tour including different stages you can combine in any order you wish takes you to Würzburg’s most renowned sights while granting you enough space to go explore on your own, quick breaks and little snacks. You can find further information on the city’s sights on our map “The Big Five”.

[Residenz und Hofgarten, Spielplatz, Rosenbachpalais, Dom St. Kilian, Lusamgärtlein, Marienkapelle und Markt, Bratwurststand Knüpfing, Café Wunschlos Glücklich, Alte Mainbrücke, Fontana, Alte Mainmühle, Landesgartenschau 1990, Wasserspielplatz, Time-Out, Hofbräukeller, Festung Marienberg, Nikolausberg, Käppele, Frankenwarte, Picknick- und Spielplatz, Schützenhof]

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Our pick-and-mix map for all strollers and urban explorers offers you the opportunity to experience Würzburg off the beaten tourist tracks. Here are some tips for you, but please feel free to just wander off into the blue and explore the city under your own steam. 

[Grombühl, Pleich – Alter Hafen, Zellerau, Frauenland]

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Taking a city trip does not mean you have to miss out on enjoying nature. Würzburg and its surroundings offer everything ranging from historic parks up to local primeval forests. Our pick-and-mix map for all friends of fresh air and nature will lead you to the city’s most beautiful green spaces.

[Ringpark, Residenzgarten, Talavera Mainwiesen, Landesgartenschau 1990, Festung Marienberg, Nikolausberg, Aussichtsturm Frankenwarte, Schützenhof, Botanischer Garten, Stein-Wein- Pfad, Bromberg-Rosengarten, Walderlebniszentrum Gramschatzer Wald]

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